Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Most Valuable Resource

Time... is the most valuable resource a man owns.

I do not care where you are in life right now--whether you are rich or poor, young or old, healthy or sick--we are all given the same time to use every day.  Imagine, you have $86,400 in the bank every morning you wake up.  What will you do with it?  Will you just let it waste by not using it?

Or will you invest it to make the most out of it?

That is the same thing with our time...we have 86,400 seconds in a day.  What will you do with it?

Here are some of the tips that may help you use your time wisely and be productive:

1.  Start the day early.  

There is this saying:  "The early bird gets the worm."  Somebody who started the day at 6am will always be ahead of the person who wakes up at 10am.  By starting the day early, you will have more time to prepare for the day.  Going through the list of things-to-do that you made the night is another way to start the day since most people are lost if they are not organized to work the next day.

2.  Just do whatever is found on the list.

It's not rocket science...just do whatever you find on the list.  You can work on the first item on the list, or start doing the list in terms of priority.  Do not mind the distractions.  Do your best to stay focus on doing what is on the list. Whatever you accomplish for the day, just check it off and you are done!

3.  Do your list of things-to-do for the next day.

This will ensure that you will continue to be productive for the next day.  You can add on the list.  You can  also change the list all together.  This is a good activity since you will feel good about yourself for being productive and for using your time wisely.

 So...what are you doing with your time?

Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm really new with this....blogging thing!

I love to read.  

I read anything about business, family, leadership, personal development, money matters, and current events.  I'm interested with history, movies, sports, food, places, people, theology, even the harsh but funny "Calvin and Hobbes".

However...I am now entering into the unknown...Blogging!  

My wife said that I should have started writing blogs a long time ago since I know lots of stuff and done lots of things that may give readers helpful insights.  

"But what will I write?" I asked her.  She answered, "Just write about anything that you know, and have opinion of.  Just be deliberate."

So allow me to invite you to read my next blogs as I deliberately tackle all subjects under the sun--and hopefully, you may get to learn something, or even laugh about something that you can relate to.  

Now the journey begins!