Sunday, September 6, 2009

Thoughts on Positive Thinking, Part 1 of 2 series

In the past, I used to attend a lot of success seminars that were related to building a successful business network. It is always well-attended by people from all walks of life. I remembered in one of the seminars, i heard this quote, and it made a deep impression on me: You are only an attitude away from success.

Positive attitude are derived from positive thinking. We may not have positive attitude all the time but we can start to think positive all the time.

Positive thinking will give us positive results. And the good thing about positive thinking is that it can be learned by anyone, regardless of circumstances, temperament, or intellect.

The following are 5 of the 9 principles that I will be sharing to help you improve your ability to think positively:

1. Think, Talk, Walk, and Act like the person you wish to become.

Most people will wait until they feel positive before they do things positively. They have it backwards! Attitude follows action. Positive actions lead to positive thoughts. And positive thoughts lead to positive attitude. People with negative mind-sets will never become the positive person they desired to be if they wait for the feelings to move them forward into action.

2. Hold positive thoughts in your mind.

Andrew Carnegie once said, "The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind, may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled." When we begin to think in positive terms, and we see ourselves as successful, we start to become successful. If we wish to harvest the fruit of a successful life, we must do the work of a farmer. We cannot simply plant a few positive seeds, and then expect the rest to take care of itself. We must continually water those seeds, nurture them as the plant begins to grow, and fertilize them. Always give your thoughts to what is positive and success-focused.

3. Exude the Attitude of Well-being, Confidence, and Purpose.

As your thinking and actions become more positive, you will develop a sense of well-being. Your confidence will increase, and you will begin to sense a stronger sense of purpose in your life. As these things happen, others will begin to become more attracted to you because people enjoy being with positive people. Use others' positive responses to you to develop relationships and to help others become more positive.

4. Treat Everyone You Meet as the Most Important Person on Earth

It is such as a fast-paced world that we live in. Most people move quickly from place to place focused on activities that they need to get accomplished. Often, they neglect to make time for the people that they come in contact with.

If you take time with the people you meet and give them your full attention in a positive way, it will make their day. You have added value to them, and in return they will also add value to you.

All people have the desire to feel important, needed, and appreciated. It is who we are as human beings. When you meet that need in people, it makes them positive about themselves and you. It creates a win-win outcome.

Another benefit of making others feel important is that they will make you feel important in return. The treatment most people receive is a reflection of how they treat others.

5. Look for the Best in Everyone.

Similar to the idea of making people feel important is the idea of looking for the best in people. There is good in the worst of us and bad in the best of us. What you look at is what you see. I have been blessed with a wonderful family, friends and colleagues. In part, that has been a gift from God. But it is also a result of my positive expectations for those around me.

I often tell people I work with to mentally place a"10" on the heads of everyone they meet. In other words, if you evaluated people on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, expect those people to perform and act like a 10, and really believe it. More often than not, people will rise to your positive expectations. Looking for the best in others makes them feel good about themselves and gets them growing and striving to be the best they can be.

In my next blog, I will give the last 4 principles. Stay tuned!

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